a very gray & dreary afternoon + working on our taxes = energyBOOSTER time!
....& holyWOW was it TASTY!!!
as i headed to the kitchen to whip this up i knew my mission would absolutely include maca. i was on a "maca mission!"
maca is a plant superfood that goes back thousands and thousands of years growing at very high altitudes in the andean mountains. the root of the plants are dried and then made into powder offering many health benefits such as:
*energy booster, with no "crash" effect
*balancing of hormones and other body systems
*libido enhancer
*increased fertility
*mental focus
*improved mood
*rich in minerals & amino acids
little interesting side note: it is said that the incan warriors would consume maca before going to battle for extra power, stamina & strength! however, they were not allowed to eat it after battle in attempt to protect the women of the village from their increased sexual impulses. ...WHOA! i mean all i wanted was a little extra energy & mood boost on a gray dreary day! watch out rob! ;)
anyway, back to the smoothie that literally overflowed with deliciousness...
i also ended up adding raw cacao powder & chia seeds...both also superfoods!
raw cacao powder contains lots of antioxidants, iron & magnesium...not to mention certain alkaloids that make you feel happy! you know, the ones like chocolate! except using raw cacao offers a natural unprocessed option, but still offering up the same feeling & taste!
and chia seeds, i think i could do a whole post on the benefits of this superfood. ya know what? i think i will! but for now, just a couple quick ones on this mighty seed. it is...
*loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, which are so important for brain function & so much more!
*great source of dietary fiber
*blood sugar balancing, adding to extended energy
so if you are here reading this because the picture enticed you, now you can feel even better about moving forward with making this one...because not only does it taste AMAZING...but...it is GOOD FOR YOU too! two of my very most favorite things, besides my husband and my dog. :)
1 cup almond milk (i used unsweetened vanilla)
1 frozen banana
1 handful of ice
1tsp maca powder
1/2 raw cacao powder
1tbsp chia seeds
1 1/2 tbsp almond or peanut butter
top with shredded coconut & raw cacao nibs
how to.
place all of the above in high power blender of your choice, blend & wall-a!
enjoy! e.
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